Ethics in the Media 

The article was about multiple victims of sex crimes. A girl named Elizabeth Smart was abducted in utah. After her family searching and fighting to find Elizabeth, 9 years later she returned home. Smart was interviewed and many people were intersted in her story and wanted to help spread awareness about this situation. Another vicim that was mentioned in this article was a boy named  Ben Ownby, He disappeared while walking home from school. A four day search took place to attempt to find Ownby, but during this search police ended up finding ben along with another boy who was missing for four years. Both of these boys that were found made a appearance on The Oprah Winfrey Show and were interviewed many times.  I think these victims should be named if they feel comfortable and not ashamed. Even though this isn't a positive subject it needs to be addressed and awareness should be spread.

This article is revisiting the event that happend on January of 2020. NBA star Kobe Bryant died in a tragic helicopter crash, along with nine other victims and his daughter. Back in july of 2003 Kobe was charged with sexual assault. This situation involved a 19 year old women that was working at a hotel in Edwards Colorado, Kobe Bryant conceded that he was guilty. After Bryants death a reporter for the The Washinton Posts Felicia Somez  tweeted a link to the article about allegations of sexual assault against Kobe Bryant. Many people replied to Somez tweet saying she was "cold hearted" and that her actions were "cold" "heartless" and "Insensitive". I think the "limit to truth telling" depends on the reality of truth. As well as the subject and who has already known about this "truth". In my opinion the respectful thing for a journalist might be to wait til someones death, But the truth always gets out anyways.

During mid-august suspect John Mark Kharr was arrested once confessing murder of victim JonBenet Ramsey. This victim was beaten and strangled to deat by Kharr. John was arrested after proof was collected and specific emails were brought to attention of authorities. In my opinon if murder can be sloved it needs to be solved and if sarerfives need to be made in order to find out what happed then thats what should take place.