Abrielle.C Journalism 1

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(Period 7)


My names Abrielle , I am fourteen years old, I was born and raised in Austin Texas, And Born on New Years Eve. Im a high school freshman, and enjoy shopping, being with my friends, cheer, and listening to music. i started cheering when I was 7 and did cheer  off and on till I joined the Bowie Cheer team. I have a Mom and Dad. I also have 1 brother named Adam who's 7 and in second grade currently, I also have 1 dog who's a doberman named Paya, I've had her since i was in  Kinder garden. One place that i want to travel to before i get old would be Greece because the scenery there seems so beautiful. And the water look very clear and clean there.

Why i signed up for this class.

I signed up for this class because i wanted to get more involved with writing and our school. I've always loved writing and reading about people and there opinions as-well. My dad dose photograpgy and videography , So things that this have always been relevant in my life. I also wanted to have fun and be in a class that keeps me busy and is hands on at times.

My experience 

I don't have much experience with journalism. But in Middle School i took BIM which taught me and lot about computers and how to use some of the functions, So i have some experience using desktop computers, but other than that i don't have much experience but i'm looking forward to interviewing and writing possibly for the newspaper in this class.