
This term we will be focusing on Hauora and Well-being

Weeks 1 - 3: Keeping Ourselves Safe

Weeks 4-10: Hauora/Well-being

The four dimensions of Hauora all influence and support each other.

    • Taha tinana - Physical well-being. The physical body, its growth, development, and ability to move, and ways of caring for it.

    • Taha hinengaro - Mental and emotional well-being. coherent thinking processes, acknowledging and expressing thoughts and feelings and responding constructively.

    • Taha whanau - Social well-being. Family relationships, friendships, and other interpersonal relationships; feelings of belonging, compassion, and caring; and social support.

    • Taha wairua - Spiritual well-being. The values and beliefs that determine the way people live, the search for meaning and purpose in life, and personal identity and self-awareness (For some individuals and communities, spiritual well- being is linked to a particular religion; for others, it is not.)

Check out Google Classroom for detailed instructions and activities.