Year 5

Term 3, 2021

Welcome to Term 3!

This is our online learning portal for Year 5. It is where you can find out what we are focusing on in Term 3. Where necessary, detailed instructions for classwork will be shared with you through Google Classroom.

Pānui (Notices)

Home learning:

We have shared some home learning tasks with you on Google Classroom. You can find the tasks in the 'classwork' section of your kaitiaki class page. Weekly spelling and basic facts have been shared on the Google Classroom page of your groups e.g. Geronimo Stiltons, Tapawha etc.


Home learning tasks are focused on our progression goals. You may see that some tasks in the home learning are the same as the week before. That is because we would like to give the students some more time to work on that task so they can complete their progression goal.

Zoom meetings:

Zoom meetings are held at 11.30am Monday to Friday. The link for the meetings can be found on the Google Classroom page.

Monday - Kaitiaki class zoom

Tuesday - Kaitiaki class zoom

Wednesday - Maths group zoom

Thursday - Literacy group zoom

Friday - Whole year group zoom

Term 3 Overview