Questions & Answers 

to Lesya Skyba

Dear Fr Charles and Jennifer, 

Fr Charles, I had asked about designated funds during the meeting.

Question 1

I just wanted to clarify, maybe this info got lost in the Chancellor change-over, but Holy Trinity Parish in Sarnia Ontario sent a gift of $80k to the UOCC a few years back, as designated funds: $40k for building renovations and $40k for hiring an Archivist. I understand that some indoor renovations were done, new curtains, etc, but I can’t imagine that all $40k was used. These funds should be listed as Designated Funds and they should not be in the operations bank account. 

Answer provided by Jennifer Parks

The $40K for the Archivist is being held in account 26000 Restricted Funds: 26000C – Capital project funds: 27200 Archives Building Fund on the balance sheet.

The 40K for the building renovations is being held in 26000 Restricted Funds: 23099 – Reserve Funds: 23100 Reserve – Major repairs on the balance sheet.

At Sep 30/2023 the 40K breaks down as follows:

Total spent at Sep 30-23 is $21,500; 

The amount left in the reserve account (23100) is $18,500.

Question 2

Sobor: it was decided that any proceeds from Sobors was to be put aside and used for future Sobors. My recollection was that fr Charles, you were already on the CB when this was decided. These funds should also be listed as Designated Funds. 

Answer provided by Jennifer Parks.

Please see my response in Question #7 from Donna Reed