
1. Opening Prayer – Metropolitan.

2. Greetings – Metropolitan.

3. Introduction of Chairperson designate by Metropolitan (bylaws provide for Metropolitan or their designate to chair)

4. Quorum Confirmation – Chair, Governance Review Committee.

5. Election of two recorders. (Consistory Board Secretary is bylaw designated as Secretary)

6. Approval of Agenda (established by UOCC bylaws).

7. Approval of 2023 UOCC AGM Minutes.

8. Consideration of the Financial Statements and Auditor’s Report for the preceding fiscal year - External Auditor

Motion: The external auditor’s report for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2023, be received and approved.

Moved by: __________________

Seconded by: ________________

9. Consideration and approval of the Budget for the upcoming fiscal year - Chancellor

Motion: The budget for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2024, be received and approved.

Moved by: __________________

Seconded by: ________________

10. Ratification of the appointment of auditors - Chancellor

Motion: The firm of _____________________ be approved as the external auditors for the UOCC for the fiscal year ending  September 30, 2024.

Moved by: __________________

Seconded by: ________________

11. Confirmation of the Members of the Consistory Board

Motion: The Consistory Board be continued as elected by the 24th Sobor in June of 2022.

Moved by: __________________

Seconded by: ________________

12. Chancellor's Remarks

13. Prayer, and

14. Adjournment.