The Way of the Wildcat

4 students are chosen each month to be "Wildcats of the Month". Wildcats of the Month are featured in the newspaper, in the hallway, marquee, and broadcasts on the school TVs.

Wildcats of the month and are awarded a coupon to be used at Wessel's Corner Market to purchase an item of their choice that is sponsored by Horace Mann.

The criteria for being selected for the Wildcat of the Month students must exhibit the following traits along with the monthly Character Traits below:



Exceptional effort




Wildcat Character Traits

The following character traits are focused on during each month of the school year:

August / September - Responsibility

October - Honesty

November - Thankfulness

December - Giving

January - Self- Discipline

February - Kindness

March - Perseverance

April - Compassion

May - Respect / Pride