

Hello everyone,

Let me take this opportunity to welcome all of you here at St. Robert Catholic School. Let me also thank you for thinking, valuing and choosing Catholic Education to your children. We hope to educate your children in converging knowledge and faith with the help of our dedicated teachers and staff.

As a school community of faith, we teach the importance of living in this world through mathematics, sciences and many more. But more importantly we teach them on how to become a follower and disciple of the Lord. This is through the inspiration, guidance and example of Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Rest assured of my prayers for all our students that they may know, love and serve the Lord. Let us be committed in journeying together in faith, in hope and ultimately, in love. God bless always.

Rev. Fr. Arnold P. Parungao

Administrator, St. Robert Catholic Church




5:00 pm Saturdays Vigil


8:00 am English

10:00 am English

12:00 pm Spanish


8:00 am

Except Wednesdays

School-Family Mass

10:00 a.m.

Every Fourth Sunday of the Month

Sacrament Of Reconciliation


4:00 to 4:45 pm or by Appointment

Sacrament Of Baptism

By appointment with one month advance notice.

Sacrament of Matrimony

By appointment with six months advance notice


St. Robert Catholic Church

2243 Irvin Way

Sacramento, California 95822

Phone:- (916) 451-1475

Facsimile:- (916) 451-0534