
Each therapeutic massage session is fully customized to the individual needs of the client, and may include Myofascial Therapy, Deep Tissue Massage, Swedish Massage, Stretching, Hot Stones, Aromatherapy, Cupping, Reflexology, Acupressure, and Sound/Vibration therapy. More info...

Imagine what your life would be like if you had clear thinking, energy, and excitement every day.  "Do-It-Yourself" Online Programs are now available!   More info...

Reiki is holistic in its approach and works with not only the symptoms an individual experiences but the root cause of the imbalance as well.  Reiki helps to restore the body’s natural ability to heal and create balance.   More info...

(Not currently available due to COVID.)  Infrared technology has been clinically tested to show it lowers blood pressure, increases core temperature and aids in weight loss.  More Info...

An End-of-Life Doula provides emotional, spiritual and informational support in the period of time leading up to death.   More info...