About LoWG

The League of Watershed Guardians (LoWG) is an association of several stream teams created in 2014 as a way to consolidate manpower, resources, and knowledge to clean up trash and conserve our rivers and streams.  Members love to paddle, boat, fish, swim, bike, hike, camp and simply enjoy life outdoorsWe love to share our passion for the beauty in Missouri, encouraging folks to get out, get involved, have fun, and relax with nature.  

Many  of our members have been stewards of nature for decades and understand the importance of pollution-free waters and lands.  LoWG volunteers come from a variety backgrounds such as education, engineering, science, business, labor, conservation and healthcare.  We take every opportunity to educate and advocate for others to enjoy nature and  take part in repairing and conserving our natural areas.

LoWG frequently partners with or assists other conservation organizations, local, state, and national entities, community organizations  and businesses.  Together, we are a united voice and force of action for healthy waters and watersheds.  The MO Department of Conservation's MO Stream Team Program sponsors our efforts, providing educational opportunities and resources to Stream Team volunteers,  as well as advice, native plants, tee shirts, gloves and trash bags.  MO Department of Natural Resources also provides educational opportunities, water quality monitoring training and water testing supplies. LoWG is a also a member of Stream Teams United, a state-wide group of stream team associations. This allows us to access small grant opportunities,  knowledge, share our successes, and increase our voice in advocating for clean watersheds. 

LOWG is a nonprofit 501(C)(3) charity which enables us to receive tax deductible donations to help carry out our mission.  Our efforts require tools, equipment, off-road vehicles, canoes, commercial sized dumpster rentals, general operational expenses, and food and beverages for volunteers.  

If you would like to know more about LoWG, or how you can help or donate, please contact us.