Science at Stream

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This week in Science 

Y9 Projects

All Year 9 Students spent the last five weeks creating a Science Project

These were displayed in the labs today and parents and staff came in to view them

The two areas we focussed on were Investigation and Research skills. 

December 1 2023

STEM Robotics Inquiry

The Wonder Project 

The STEM class were tasked with creating a robot that could explore the fabled Silverstream tunnel system. It had to be able to transport Scientific equipment and transmit data back to the end user. This is a video made by Henry Mepham showing his inquiry process.

Tunnel Tank Presentation (Version 3(Final)).mp4

This was a challenge project carried out by 9PN alongside Dr Cartwright and an industry ambassador Mr Chris O'Donnell. This is one of the groups digital submission discussing their inquiry challenge and how they were meeting the sustainability and the future uses of electricity.

Wonder Project.mp4