Citing Sources and Plagiarism

All Headings That Are Underlined, Are Linked to a File or Site for more Information.

Once you start your research,it's important to take good notes and keep them organized. Here's a slide show to help you with the process:

When taking notes, make sure you give credit to where you got the information. Use the author's words. Check this site for more information:

Many people think of plagiarism as copying another's work or borrowing someone else's original ideas. Not sure about this? View this document to find some answers: Avoiding Plagiarism.

Once you've done that, use these links for online forms to help with citing your sources:

Online tools for note-taking, outlining, citation, document archiving/annotation, and collaborative research and writing.


The Internet allows us to download, share, and re-use copyrighted material in many ways. But it also means you must be more aware of copyright rules in order to avoid violating them. These resources will help you understand what copyright is, and how to give credit to the information you use.

Copyright for Students: Everything You Need To Know

Use Information Correctly: Copyright and Fair Use

Teaching Kids about Copyright & Piracy (video)

Copyright Kids: Copyright Basics

Plagiarism from Caity Selleck on Vimeo.

Bad Netiquette

This video tells viewers to think of using quotes in a paper like building a sandwich.

Persuasive Essay

Open these links for tips on writing a Persuasive Essay

This is a link to an e-book in Destiny. You'll need to log in with you Destiny account to access it. Open the link Follett Shelf from the menu on the left side of the page to access the book.

Click here for a handout on how to log into Destiny or see Mr. Barlow if you have any questions.

Having difficulty starting that argumentative paper? Creating an outline can be a useful strategy for organizing your thoughts.

This resource outlines the generally accepted structure for introductions, body paragraphs, and conclusions in an argument paper.

Map out your argument for your persuasive essay here.

Use this handout for step by step instructions on how to create your Works Cited Page.

The primary goal of both this guide and the online tool at the end is to make the proper crediting of information so easy that it becomes a habit, not a task that you stop doing outside of school. Someday the information that the teacher, student, or other information user is citing will be yours.

Remember: Cite the Site you Sight!


Use these printable handouts for note taking and for keeping track of your sources:

Note Taking Worksheets: Internet; Books; Encyclopedias; Databases (such as Gale or ResearchIt CT/iConn)