rob russell


I’m passionate about this community and working with others to continue improving this city I’m proud to call home. Here’s some info about myself and what I hope to achieve if elected to Stratford City Council.


  • Lived in Stratford 20 years

  • Raised in Fergus/Elora

  • Graduated from U of Windsor, BA in Sociology

  • Taught English in South Korea for 2 years

  • Married to Carolyn with two daughters, Launa (16), Leah (14)

  • Owner and operator, with spouse Carolyn, of MacLeods Scottish Shop in Downtown Stratford, winner of the Stratford & District Chamber of Commerce Business Excellence Award in 2016

  • Rotarian with Rotary Club of Stratford for over 14 years, distinguished with a Paul Harris Fellow Award in 2019

  • Dedicated community volunteer, currently serving as Board Director for Downtown Stratford BIA, Destination Stratford, and RTO4

Council Priorities:

There are many prominent issues and opportunities facing our next Council. My priorities include, but aren’t limited to:

Community Prosperity – The decisions made at Council should lead to a happier and healthier future for all of us. We need to take care that as we continue to grow our important industries, like tourism, manufacturing, and agriculture, that they are serving the community well and making Stratford a better place for its residents.

Affordable Housing & Worker Shortages – We’ve all seen the headlines. This is much bigger than just a Stratford problem, but we can still take action at the local level to make a difference. We need to explore solutions to figure out what can work for our community in both the short and long term.

Public Engagement & Communication – Good communication flows both ways. It’s not only important to listen to the community’s needs, but also to let them know the how’s and why’s when decisions are made, especially when they don’t go as we hoped they would

Each Candidate was asked to respond to the eight questions below with a limit of 100 words per answer. We have identified any truncated content with “...[]” Please feel free to reach out to each candidate for more information.


1. What will be your unique contribution to council?

I really enjoy working with others and striving to build consensus so difficult issues can be tackled. Through my volunteer board experience with the Downtown Stratford Business Improvement Area (DTS BIA) and Destination Stratford (DS), I’ve worked with City Council, City Staff, and numerous other stakeholder organizations. I want to bring that cooperative thinking to Council to help align our goals for the best chance of success.

2. How will you tackle urban sprawl and protect prime agricultural land?

This is definitely an important issue. We need to work towards high-density and affordable housing within city limits. Mixed-use zoning is also important to make these areas accessible by active transportation like walking and cycling. Reducing urban sprawl and protecting agricultural land can also benefit the community’s health and environmental initiatives.

3. How will you encourage businesses and individuals to respond to climate change?

Leading by example and providing ongoing education are both great ways to encourage better behaviors. I also believe Council needs to stay engaged with local environmental organizations, like the SDSS Eco Club, to hear their recommendations and ensure we’re supporting them as much as possible.

4. What is your idea(s) to attract new industry to Stratford?

We should be laser-focused on environmentally-responsible and sustainable industry. Attracting new business should be a long-term plan that puts the community and it’s residents first.

5. How will you address wealth inequality, homelessness and poverty in Stratford?

Stratford needs to work with local organizations such as the United Way, Connection Centre, and food banks, ensuring they are supported. The city should also work with both provincial and federal levels of government to access programs that can address rent gaps and affordable housing. Encouraging all employers to pay a living wage is another important step.

6. How will you engage and inform the public about current issues and legislation?

I would like to stay active on social media and offer regular updates on the work being done and discussions that are happening. I will also encourage citizens to reach out directly by email anytime. I’ve always made time to answer questions and am willing to meet in person when it’s helpful.

7. Would you support term limits? Why/why not?

I have to admit I don’t have a firm stance on this, at least not yet. On one hand, I think it’s a great way to ensure new people have the opportunity to run and serve the city, and new voices and ideas are heard. On the other hand, I worry that if someone is doing a really good job, or there is a lack of candidates willing to step up, a term limit could be detrimental to the city.

8. What is your plan to better engage youth in Stratford?

I would make time, and I would ask how they would like to engage. I could see organizing Q&A or discussion sessions either in-person or via Zoom. Or maybe questions are submitted via email, much like these here. I would be up for anything!