Harj Nijjar


I am running for City Council to make Stratford a better place for everyone. Having lived in Stratford all my life, I believe the city can do better. I am an Information Technology Professional and a local business owner. Residents want a councillor that will walk into City Hall ready to champion their causes, advocate for this city at all levels of government and always remember their roots. It is time to demand better, Stratford.

It starts with the basics: strong city services, good jobs, and robust communities. But the goal is bigger than that: to create a vibrant, world-class city, that is home to citizens from all over the globe. Our city, with its hard-working and diverse people, demands better infrastructure, better opportunities, and better representation.

My Mission is to promote trust in politics and public service:

  • Affordable Living / Housing

  • Integrity / Accountability /Transparency

  • City Roads / Sidewalks

  • Cutting Red Tape for Faster Approvals

  • Youth and Senior Programs.

Our work is to provide Community Safety, Respect Tax Dollars, Job Creation, Supporting Our Youth and Seniors and ensuring a Collaborative Council working for you.

On election Day, Demand Better for Stratford, and vote for Harj Nijjar, for Stratford City Council.

Each Candidate was asked to respond to the eight questions below with a limit of 100 words per answer. We have identified any truncated content with “...[]” Please feel free to reach out to each candidate for more information.


1. What will be your unique contribution to council?

An innately hard-working Business Owner and an Information Technology Professional, I have spent the last 25 years growing companies through operational and strategic procurement, maintaining fiscal responsibility, and creating positive work environments. I know that with my experience and drive, I can make the change needed now to create a Stratford that benefits residents of today, tomorrow, and the future.

As a proud father, husband, and active volunteer community member, I know that advocating for, and listening to residents, is what makes our community our home – a place to be proud of, to feel safe and comfortable in, to learn...[]

2. How will you tackle urban sprawl and protect prime agricultural land?

Stratford and other Ontario towns and cities are at a crossroad. We continue to build low-density, creeping urban expansion, endless pavement, which lead to longer commutes and more traffic. This will threaten the health and well-being of our communities and the ecosystems that sustain us.

We need to look at ways to end sprawl using the principles of smart growth and creating compact, higher-density communities serviced by public transit, bike paths and walking trails, and surrounded by local greenbelts of protected farmland and green space.

3. How will you encourage businesses and individuals to respond to climate change?

Climate change is a huge issue at a global level. We can do our part to reduce our carbon footprint. I would encourage businesses and individuals to start with the basics such as the following.

  • Reducing energy consumption.

  • Look at renewable energy options.

  • Reduce waste and plastics.

  • Encourage public transit, carpooling, bike lanes and walking to limit greenhouse gas emissions.

  • Choosing suppliers that are environmentally friendly.

  • Implement more electric car charging stations.

  • When replacing city vehicles / buses replace them with electric vehicles/buses.

  • Continue raising climate change awareness to all citizens (schools, workplaces, hospitals, etc.)

4. What is your idea(s) to attract new industry to Stratford?

Our goal should be to make Stratford a vibrant and a world class city. I believe the following will attract new industries.

  • Be open to all types of industries.

  • Prioritize higher education and talent.

  • Promote our beautiful, diversified community.

  • Retain and attract more young people to the city.

  • Elect and appoint visionary leaders

5. How will you address wealth inequality, homelessness and poverty in Stratford?

We need to work with all levels of government, developers, and landlords to stimulate new affordable housing:

  • Implementing eviction and prevention programs would be helpful to support individuals and families entering homelessness.

  • Consider updating zoning bylaws to include a diverse selection of homes (tiny homes, higher dense housing, build higher than four storeys.)

  • Have more shelters to provide the daily necessities of life – shelter, food, showers, warmth.

  • Implement programs to assist with people that are homeless due substance abuse and mental health concerns.

6. How will you engage and inform the public about current issues and legislation?

City council needs to be more transparent with the citizens, not having closed door meetings, informing the public of the ideas, decisions, and allowing the citizens to have a say. Use social media, live stream council meetings, promote youth engagement and make it easier for our seniors to access information.

7. Would you support term limits? Why/why not?

I am open to term limits, however the answer to this topic needs more discussion to review the advantages and disadvantages that our community would face. Some pros include consistent fresh ideas, limit corruption and it may encourage citizens to feel the need to vote. A major con is that it can change the meaning of democracy.

8. What is your plan to better engage youth in Stratford?

We need to create an environment that promotes youth engagement.

  • Stop the stigma that adults always know best – hear our youth’s input.

  • Build better relationships

  • Provide leadership opportunities – youth have a lot of great ideas and allow them to put them into action.

  • Use social media to share information and engage with the youth through these types of platforms.