6th Grade

eLearning Site

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Friday, May 1st - White Day (Day 24)

*Do this first* Click here to complete your attendance.


We are wrapping up M8 today! Take the M8 Ancient Greece Test posted in Google Classroom. Use your book and take your time!


Live Lesson today! Click here for the link!

Power of the Pen

Video Here

After watching the video, go to Classroom, and start with Document 1. Complete the instructions for Document 1. Then, open Documents 2 and 3. Read Document 2, and fill in the chart for Document 3. Finish this by the end of the weekend. Stop there. We won't start writing our stories until next Monday. Use the time between to start creating ideas in your mind.

Code-It May 1

  1. Go to Google classroom, assignment May 1 Continue Khan Academy Intro to Javascript

  2. Watch my video (also in Google Classroom)

  3. Go to Khan Academy, use your Google sign-in, and then...

  4. Go to Intro to JS Drawing and Animation.

  5. Make sure you are in the same account so I see your progress. My class code is 7UPHK8

  6. Please complete NEW 2 full sections, example: Coloring and Variables are sections that each have 5-6 topics. I marked your last progress so I'll be able to tell. We need to make better progress now that it is May! It shouldn't take you more than about 30 minutes. I've revising grading so I won't mark a partial section until it is done.

  7. Email me if you get stuck. You might not be the only one!

Technology Grade 6

Be sure you did 20 minutes on code.org this week. I will make a final check later today.


Great job on your Blues Performances!
Watch my video Here
First Rhythm Activity
Second Rhythm Activity
Fill out this Form


For today's lesson we will be focusing on the FITT principle.

  1. Vocab/goals

  2. Intro to FITT

  3. Keeper workout

  4. 1 minute cardio

  5. cooldown video

  6. look through the FITT principle document.

Materials are all posted on Classroom.

Thursday, April 30th - Red Day (Day 23)

*Do this first* Click here to complete your attendance.

Mr. Louden's morning devotion! LOTS of things change... but OUR GOD doesn't!


Make sure "Introduction to Speed" has been completed and turned in.

Today you will be using a platform called Gizmo to run an animation as if you were on a safari. You will be recording the motion of various animals, then calculating and comparing their speeds. All instructions are given on the digital notebook in Google Classroom. This will be due on Monday morning.

Language Arts

  1. Today, we Zoom at 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.. 10:00 a.m. is for everyone who is reading Code of Silence, and 3:00 p.m. is for everyone who is reading The Running Dream. Ben and Amy, pick one or the other, or come to both. The link is here. Use the password provided by Mr. Louden.

  2. If you are reading Code of Silence, read Chapters 40-43 by Sunday night. There are NO questions to complete for this assignment. If you are reading The Running Dream, read pages 243-264 by Sunday night. There are NO questions to complete for this assignment.

  3. Today, we are beginning a new writing project. Open Creative Writing Document 1 in Classroom, and complete the scavenger hunt. Then, open Documents 2 and 3. Read Document 2 because it will explain things to you. Then, complete the chart in Document 3. Stop there, and we will not be writing the story until next week. This is due by the end of Friday. **IF YOU ARE IN POWER OF THE PEN, YOU WILL NOTICE THAT THIS IS ALSO THE NEXT STORY ASSIGNED TO YOUR POWER OF THE PEN SECTION. COMPLETE THE ASSIGNMENT FOR THIS CLASS, AND IGNORE THE POWER OF THE PEN ASSIGNMENT. I DO NOT EXPECT YOU TO DO THIS TWICE. YOUR STORY WILL COUNT FOR BOTH CLASSES.**

  4. Thank you to Hannah B. for making my driveway look beautiful again!

Power of the Pen

Video Here

After watching the video, go to Classroom, and start with Document 1. Complete the instructions for Document 1. Then, open Documents 2 and 3. Read Document 2, and fill in the chart for Document 3. Finish this by the end of Friday. Stop there. We won't start writing our stories until next Tuesday. Use the time between to start creating ideas in your mind.


One more type of surface area problem will be mastered today, the square pyramid. Check out Mr. Felten's tutorial video: click here

Then complete the worksheet attached to Google classroom. Page 378 was also suggested as an extra credit assignment for those interested.

Handbell Elective

Great job on the Boom Cards! This set (Melody Builder Set 2) was challenging. If you scored below 50%, please practice this deck again to improve your score. If you scored above 50%, move on to the new deck, "Rhythm Block Builder Set 2", and go through one round of it. Remember that it gives you four clicks first, to set the tempo.

-Practice Boom Cards
-Give a listen to Dancing Queen Notice how big the low bells are and their cool gloves!


Check-in day!

Please review your grade on Tads and be sure that if there is anything you haven't completed, you take note and work on it.

If you think something is not right, please e-mail me so I can get back with you today about it.

Please turn into the appropriate folder on Artsonia when complete. Access code: BZBF-MZKX Your pin number is one created by you. If you don't remember what your is, and you can't get in, please e-mail me.

Recap of how to post to Artsonia.

Art enrichment assignment (ungraded): Draw yourself in the style of your favorite illustrator or cartoon. For example: as a character from Spongebob Squarepants.

Art Challenge!


If you did not finish April 28 Meet the Professional form, please do so today.

Today's assignment:

  1. Sign up here to attend the "Meet the Professionals" Zooms on May 7 & May 14 at 1:00 pm and at 1:30 pm in my Zoom meeting. That will be the only thing required for that class, so you have to pick at least one of the Zooms.

  2. New Google Assignment: Food Photography

  3. Watch #1 video, then look at #2 video, then look at this website. Plan the photo first.

  4. Use what ever camera, phone, Chromebook, you have. Pose the food. Let your adult family know and they can help too.

  5. Get the photos off the camera and added to this assignment. Turn in 3-10 photos. (Can be several poses of the same food)

Check Tads what you might be missing. Most of you are well caught up. If you aren't, please email what is most important to do first, and Zoom with me on Wednesdays.

Wednesday, April 29th - Student Success Day (Day 22)

*Do this first* Click here to complete your attendance.

A quick word from Mr. Louden & Devotion from Pastor Young!

If you are in need of help, teachers are available to ZOOM with you and answer questions between 10-11 am and 1-2 pm. See the appropriate links below. All passwords are the same and were provided in Mr. Louden's email to parents. The links are also in the Google Classroom streams.

Mrs. Koza

Zoom Link

Mr. Felten

Zoom link

Miss Lenz

Zoom Link

Mrs. Rooney

Zoom Link

Tuesday, April 28th - White Day (Day 21)

*Do this first* Click here to complete your attendance.

Garbage, Sunglasses, and YOU! Mr. Louden's Devotional Video is HERE!


Complete the Module 8 Review Guide today. Test will be Friday. There will be no Kahoot review. You will be able to use your book/notes on test.


Read and complete Lesson 52 - pages 110 and 111. We have a live lesson on Friday!

Language Arts

  1. No, we do not have class today, but I wanted to remind you about our Zoom class on Thursdays. I am hoping that everyone reading Code of Silence can come to the 10:00 a.m. session and everyone reading The Running Dream can come to the 3:00 p.m. session.

  2. Do not forget: tomorrow is open Zoom at 10:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m.. Stop in if you have any questions, or if you just want to say hi.

Power of the Pen

Last Tuesday, I assigned your "Magic Potion" story, and I gave you three class periods to complete that. Today is the third class period, and it is due by the end of the day. Go to Classroom for further instructions.

Technology 6K Monday, 6L Tuesday

Google classroom assignment "April 27 Code.org 20-25 minute Progress" You can work either day.

  1. Watch my video below. It shows how to solve some puzzles that a few of you had trouble with. https://youtu.be/ASuI5b1MLaU

  2. Go to my code.org class. https://studio.code.org/sections/DXFGSH

  3. Use the secret word (if you forgot it, it is listed in a private comment in an earlier assignment called "Edpuzzle April 20-21 Technology Grade 6")

  4. Do 20-25 minutes of work where you left off. I will be able to see your progress this week.

  5. If you did not do the Edpuzzle last week's assignment, (there are 3 of you) please finish this week.


Project: Stylized Drawings

Learning goal: I can identify defining characteristics of an illustrator's style. I can draw poses of the human figure using gesture drawings.


What is a gesture drawing? From simple to more expressive

Assignment 1: Try one now: Use ONE PAGE and draw two poses using the directions below:

Gesture Drawing Pose 1: Have someone pose for you in your family and draw a quick gesture using only lines to express the pose. (1 min or less)

Gesture Drawing Pose 2: Then, have the person make another pose. Make the main stick figure to describe the motion of the model, then try adding some gestures to describe the mass of the body (circles for the hips, feet, hands, joints, etc.

Ungraded exercise 2: Look closely at this video found under the Google Classroom stream post that shows a contrast between two styles. What defining characteristics do you notice in the drawing style of Tim Burton, the artist? Record your observations in the "comments" section.

Studio Art Enrichment challenge: Ungraded Can you draw yourself in the style of the artist? These will be compiled and included in a slideshow gallery.

Visual example: Mrs. Seeholzer and family

To turn in** Please turn into Artsonia Classroom folder: Tim Burton Style Portrait

Access code for Artsonia Classroom on Artsonia.com: Access Code: BZBF-MZKX

Handbells Elective

Watch my video Here
Listen to handbells play Eye of the Tiger
Complete at least one round of new Boom Cards, "Melody Block, So, La, Mi, Set 2" Click Here

Creative Digital Arts

  1. Watch my video HERE

  2. Fill out this form, and review these 4 professionals and their websites, and answer 2 questions for each website. (Due today!) In the future, we will be Zooming with some of these professionals.

  3. Continuing: Photography for church. Congratulations to Owen - two of his apple Still Life images ended up in the bulletin last week! Only submit photos, not slides. Good photography, clear, good lighting, good design. Let the church decide what images work for their media!

  4. Make-up work: From April 23, some of you still need to submit your PUBLISHED site using this form.

Mrs. Koza showed me the 6th 7th grade Padlet photography in a recent Earth day assignment! Great job!


In today's lesson you will need to pick your own warm up from the list in Google Classroom.

  1. Vocab/goal

  2. Warmup of your choice

  3. Passing Pentathlon

  4. 1 minute Cardio

  5. Cooldown

Please find the links in Google Classroom.

Monday, April 27th - Red Day (Day 20)

*Do this first* Click here to complete your attendance.

What do you take for granted? Info and Devotion with Mr. Louden - CLICK HERE


Looking forward to seeing you for LIVE LEARNING TODAY at either 10 am or 3 pm. Same password as all other ZOOM lessons. 6th grade Math ZOOM


Make sure you have completed: 1) Your 2 comments on classmates Earth Day Presentations on Padlet (some of you still haven't posted your presentations on Padlet yet!)

2) You turned in "How Fast Are You?" on Google Classroom

Today you will be watching a video on calculating speed and how to use that formula to find distance and/or time as well. It is a EdPuzzle video so I will be able to see your viewing time and answers completed throughout the video. Do not skip this part of the assignment. You will then do some task cards involving some fast or slow animals. The video link and task card activity are found on Google Classroom under "Introduction to Speed."

Language Arts

  1. Happy Monday, grade six! I have an important announcement about our Zoom class coming up this Thursday. If you are reading Code of Silence, please plan to attend the 10:00 a.m. session. If you are reading The Running Dream, please plan to attend the 3:00 p.m. session. Amy and Ben, you may choose one or the other, or feel free to attend both. I was so impressed with the essays that you turned in on Friday. Look for an announcement coming later this week about our "Quarantine Essay Best of the Best."

  2. For today, we are going to keep it simple with just a reading assignment from your novel and a short writing. If you are reading Code of Silence, read Chapters 33-38, and then go to Classroom to write six questions that, if you were creating a quiz, you might ask your students. This is due by the end of Tuesday. If you are reading The Running Dream, read pages 215-242, and then go to Classroom to write six questions that, if you were creating a quiz, you might ask your students. This is due by the end of Tuesday.

Power of the Pen

Last Monday, I assigned the "Magic Potion Story" and allowed you three class periods to finish it. Today is the third class period, so please turn in your story by the end of today if you have not already done so.

Technology 6K Monday, 6L Tuesday

Google classroom assignment "April 27 Code.org 20-25 minute Progress" You can work either day.

  1. Watch my video below. It shows how to solve some puzzles that a few of you had trouble with. https://youtu.be/ASuI5b1MLaU

  2. Go to my code.org class. https://studio.code.org/sections/DXFGSH

  3. Use the secret word (if you forgot it, it is listed in a private comment in an earlier assignment called "Edpuzzle April 20-21 Technology Grade 6")

  4. Do 20-25 minutes of work where you left off. I will be able to see your progress this week.

  5. If you did not do the Edpuzzle last week (there are 3 of you) please finish this week.

Middle School Choir

The blues videos that I have gotten so far are amazing!! Remember that your video is due on Wednesday by the end of the day.
Watch my video here for some tips on making your video.
Listen to Robert Johnson for another example of 12 bar blues.

Reminder for Handbells

Finish both sets of Boom Cards by tomorrow (Tuesday) Link Here


  1. Watch my video

  2. Go to Khan Academy, use your Google sign-in, and then

  3. Go to Intro to JS Drawing and Animation.

  4. Make sure you are in the same account so I see your progress.

  5. Continue where you left off. Work about 30 minutes.

  6. Email me if you get stuck. You might not be the only one!

  7. I'll be emailing you if you checked that you did the work but I don't see it. My class code is 7UPHK8