Spanish 8

What you'll be learning this year:

Themes: At Home | Personal Identity | Traveling the Spanish-speaking World

Spanish Vocabulary

    • Asking & giving locations

    • Basic city vocabulary

    • Clothing

      • Naming clothes for different seasons

      • Describing clothes

    • Comparison Phrases

    • Colors

    • Home

      • Describing a house

      • Naming household items

      • Naming furniture

      • Talking about chores and responsibilities

    • Landforms

    • Modes of transportation

    • Numbers 200 & beyond

    • Spanish-speaking countries & capitals

Spanish Grammar

  • e->ie stem-changing verbs

  • Expressions with tener

  • Expressing likes and dislikes

  • Ir + a + infinitive

  • Noun-adjective agreement

  • Past-tense of Ir

  • Possessives

  • Sentence word order

  • Ser vs. Estar

Cultural Explorations

  • Appropriate clothing and dress

  • Country-specific landmarks and tourist attractions

  • Currencies and money conversion rates

  • Expectations when visiting another country

  • Family responsibilities

  • Gender roles

  • Homes in Spanish-speaking countries

  • Seasons south of the Equator