Sociedad Hispánica de Amistad

¿Qué es la SHA?

The Sociedad hispánica de amistad is the Spanish Honor Society for the elementary and middle school levels.

From the SHA website:

"Sociedad Hispánica de Amistad (SHA) is an activities-based Spanish Society for elementary and middle school students enrolled in a Spanish class. In order for a school to have a chapter of the Sociedad Hispánica de Amistad, all sponsors (teachers) must be members of the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese, (AATSP).

Because there are almost an infinite number of program styles for Spanish in elementary and middle schools, the SHA is designed to be flexible and curriculum friendly. All students are required to participate in projects in order to become members. Projects must use Spanish in some way and must be completed in each of the following three areas: AMBASSADORSHIP, SCHOOL SERVICE, and COMMUNITY SERVICE."

2022-2023 Service Projects


Led a chapel service

Service to School

Spanish labels & signs in classrooms

Service to Community

Pulsera Project

¿Listo a juntar?

The St. Paul's chapter of the SHA - Las llamas españolas - was founded in 2019.

A student is eligible to join Las llamas españolas if s/he is:

Members meet from 3:15-4:00 the second Tuesday of each month during the school year (September-May). During meetings the members work together to plan and carryout service projects (under the supervision and guidance of Señora).

There is a one-time fee of $5.00 (paid to the parent organization).

Students are inducted into the SHA during a special induction ceremony in October.

Graduating seniors also receive graduation cords showing their membership.

2022-2023 Members