October 2019

Did You Know?

Multilingual English Learners with a Hearing Loss: Triple the Work

English Learners with hearing differences have different needs related to language and disability. This makes triple the work for students. A solid foundation in language is essential for success in school. Students with hearing differences may have more difficulty learning the content and developing proficiency in English because they may have more difficulty accessing language. Some students will need additional instruction and language input to understand classroom concepts. Educators need to make sure that students have access to instructional materials. Here are some questions for team members to consider:

1. What hearing related challenges are apparent for the student?

2. What language and culture related challenges is the student facing?

3. What accommodations and different instruction will benefit the student?

4. Are Teachers for Students who are Deaf/Hard of Hearing and English Language Teachers involved in making sure the student has access to curriculum?

5. Does the student have access to classroom materials?

Parent Resources

Hands and Voices has some fun upcoming events. Check them out in the activities section below and register if interested. Also check out the Hands and voices parent newsletter at https://www.mnhandsandvoices.org/news-events/focus-newsletter

Book Recommendation

The Mitten String

When her family invites a deaf woman and her baby to stay, Ruthie, a talented knitter of mittens, wonders how the mother will know if her child wakes in the night. The surprising answer inspires Ruthie to knit a special gift that offers great comfort to mother and baby—and to Ruthie herself. With language and imagery reminiscent of stories told long ago, this modern Jewish folktale will resonate with those who love crafts, anyone who's encountered someone with physical differences—and with everyone who has ever lost a mitten in the depths of winter.

Upcoming Activities


Deafverse launches 9/10/19. It is a transition based online game for students who are deaf and hard of hearing that launched in September. Students can still play.

SPPS SPED College Fair


MNH&V Family Event: MN Zoomobile Comes to MNH&V!




Family Immersion Weekend


DHH Transition Fair

10/25/19 -10/26/19

Family Tree Clinic Presents: Parents Are Sexuality Educators




Cued Speech and Language Development in Early Childhood (3rd in a series)




The World of ABABABA

11/22/19 7:00pm

tickets to this performance can be purchased at mrid.org

Hands and Voices Family Event: Help Me Grow Called, Now What?


