April 2021

Did You Know: Not all clear masks were created equal

Did you know that there are many different types of clear masks being made. The option of a clear mask for a person who is deaf or hard of hearing is great. Some people really prefer to see the mouth and face. However not all of the clear masks on the market are the same. Research shows that some clear masks block sound waves and dampen sound more than cloth masks. This can make a more difficult listening situation for students who rely on their residual hearing and speech to communicate. Some masks fog up or collect condensation making it difficult to see. Likewise, some masks have a lot of light glare and make it difficult to see the person's face through the mask. Students and teachers should be working together to find what each student prefers. Here are some of the clear mask choices we have tried:

  1. The Clear Mask

  2. Rafi Nova Smile Mask

  3. BendShape Mask

  4. Safe'N'Clear

Parent Resources

Scholarships for students who are DHH

Check out this list of scholarships for students who are deaf and hard of hearing.

Minnesota Hands and Voices

has some fun upcoming events. Check them out in the activities section below and register if interested. Also check out the Hands and voices parent newsletter at https://www.mnhandsandvoices.org/news-events/focus-newsletter

Deaf/Hard of Hearing Guide

Many students who are deaf and hard of hearing have never met someone just like them and may be struggling with their identity as a hard of hearing or deaf person. Would you like to connect with a DHH role model in your area that could meet with your child outside of school and help them learn about things like peer friendships, using technology, self-esteem and identity, and thinking about the future? Lifetrack in Minnesota offers a program that you should take advantage of! Learn more about the program HERE and read about the guides in Minnesota.

Lifetrack Deaf Mentor

The Deaf Mentor family program is offered to families who have a deaf or hard of hearing child. They work with families and use research-based curriculum to promote communication and language skills. For more information about the program click HERE.

Book Recommendation

The Ruby Lu Series

by Lenore Look

When Ruby's cousin Flying Duck emigrates from China to live with her, Ruby decides the best thing about Flying Duck is that she is a great new friend. BUT the worst thing about Flying Duck is that now, no one speaks English at home. Plus, there's strange food on the table every night and only chopsticks to eat with. And Flying Duck is deaf, and Ruby doesn't know any Chinese Sign Language. These books feature a Deaf immigrant character and are recommended for kids 6 to 10 years old.

Upcoming Activities

Desarrollando Lectores

Developing Readers



event for Spanish speaking families. Click here for more information and to register. Registrarse!

MSAD Virtual Teen Night



MNH&V DHH Athlete Event


Every third Thursday of the month


7:00 - 8:30PM AND

Connect with Family Tree educators for practical tools, techniques, and fun discussion supporting healthy conversations between young people and trusted adults about sexuality.

Email bgehman@familytreeclinic.org to register!

MN Deaf & Hard of Hearing Children’s Family Camp


More information and to register: https:// camponomia.campbrainregistration.com

UBU Summer Camp for DHH Youth


You Be You summer camp is for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Youth in Sioux Falls, SD. Check out their Facebook page for more information.