The main goal of our school library is to promote a love of reading and learning by providing students with unlimited opportunities to explore their diverse reading interests. Our library staff work collaboratively with teachers and other specialists to support the curriculum and to encourage a lifelong love of reading. Our collection offers a diverse range of quality and engaging English language books (including a bi-lingual section in our Kindergarten Library), and regular library classes ensure that the appreciation of literature, informational literacy, and curriculum objectives are met for all students. This collaborative team approach makes the library an integral part of school learning.

St. Mary’s International School Library provides resources for students, faculty, and staff, including access to a variety of resources, including books, e-books, academic materials, and online databases. All students have structured library classes with our librarians and are allowed to check out materials regularly. The library staff help students develop informational research skills and increase literacy across languages. Library classes teach library use, etiquette, and terminology. Lessons include grade-appropriate discussions of basic literary elements (main character, setting, and plot), book talks, and games.