Even with the most stimulating, hands-on classroom curriculum, there are only so many hours in a school day for students to participate in engaging activities with their classmates and grade-level peers. This is where our after-school program comes in.

Our After-School Activities program is designed to provide students with opportunities to engage in organized group activities that allow them to develop talents, learn new skills, socialize, strengthen friendships and make new friends outside of their class and grade level. Activities are led by our national and international teachers in their areas of expertise and allow students access to a variety of activities in athletics, arts, culture, and technology. Our program offerings change every trimester so students can engage in a variety of activities throughout the school year.

After School Activities are mandatory and are held every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday from 3:20 to 4:05 p.m. Parents are provided a registration form to select their child’s After School Activity three times during the school year before the beginning of each trimester.