Understanding the World

2.5.24 RE - We revisited the Pentecost story and made streamers to show the fire and the wind. 

30.4.24 Making fruit kebabs

The children have loved making fruit kebabs today!  We then wrote about our favourite fruits.


RE - This week, we have been learning about Pentecost. We talked about Jesus returning to heaven and sending the Holy Spirit down to his disciples. We talked about how the disciples felt when Jesus returned to heaven and how they felt when He sent the Holy Spirit. 

ELG: The Natural World 

Children at the expected level of development will: 

- Explore the natural world around them, making observations and drawing pictures of animals and plants; 

- Understand some important processes and changes in the natural world around them, including the seasons and changing states of matter. 


This week in Science we have been learning about plants and their different parts.  We have also planted our own sunflower seeds and are looking forward for them to grow.

16.4.24 Geography

Today we explored the school grounds with Mrs Bunney looking for natural objects.  We explored the objects  discussing what we could see, hear, smell and feel.  We have used these natural objects to add and enhance the messy area in our classroom for the rest of the week!


This morning he children were very excited to see that one of the chrysalis' had hatched and we had a butterfly!

19.3.24 RE - Easter Sunday

In our RE lesson today we learnt about the events of Easter Sunday.  The children have made an Easter card.  They also worked in groups to make an Easter garden.  We collected natural materials from the school gardens and worked in teams to create the gardens.

29.2.24 We had a special delivery: caterpillars! The children have had a look at the tiny caterpillars with magnifying glasses and we are all very excited to see what happens next!

13.2.34 Shrove Tuesday

We learnt about Shrove Tuesday today and why it is called pancake day.  The children have enjoyed helping make and then eat pancakes!

9.2.24 Magnets

This afternoon, we have been exploring magnets. The children loved testing which objects were magnetic and which were not magnetic. 

6.2.24 Birdwatch

Today the children have made bird feeders and fed the birds in the school garden.  They have also been on a bird hunt to see what birds they could spot in the school grounds.

30.1.24 Science - Floating and Sinking

The Scientist came to our class to teach the children about why some objects float and others sink.  We first looked and felt the object and made a prediction before testing it in the water. We talked about why the object floated or sunk.

10.1.24 Celebrations

Today, we started our new RE topic: CELEBRATIONS!

We talked about different celebrations and what might happen during a celebration. The children worked hard in pairs to add different celebrations to their tree maps. 

12.12.23 Advent - The Nativity Story

We read the story of the very first Christmas in RE today.  The children then drew some of the characters from the story and tried hard to label them.

4.12.23 Advent- The Advent Wreath

Today in our RE session we learnt about what Advent is and how we prepare during this time for Christmas.  The children learnt about the different parts of the Advent wreath and then have made their own.  We also ended the day by sitting around our Advent wreath, lighting it and saying some prayers.

29.11.23 Advent Topic

We started our Advent topic in RE by talking about celebrations. We discussed that Christmas Day is a celebration of Jesus' birthday and talked about how we celebrated birthdays. The children made party hats, paper chains, birthday cards and banners!

ELG: People, Culture and Communities 

Children at the expected level of development will: 

- Know some similarities and differences between different religious and cultural communities in this country, drawing on their experiences and what has been read in class. 

27.11.23 Making a wreath

Some of the children chose to help Miss Orwin this morning to make an Advent wreath for our classroom.  We will light this at the end of each day during Advent in preparation for Christmas coming.

22.11.23 RE- Judaism

The children learnt about the Jewish festival of Hanukah.  We learnt about why the festival is celebrated and how. The children made their own Hanukah card.  Some children chose to make a Menorah candle out of salt dough or by cutting and sticking.

ELG: Past and Present 

Children at the expected level of development will: 

- Talk about the lives of the people around them and their roles in society;

- Know some similarities and differences between things in the past and now, drawing on their experiences and what has been read in class; 

- Understand the past through settings, characters and events encountered in books read in class and storytelling. 

17.11.23 Nursery Rhymes - The children listened to "Polly Put the Kettle On" and looked at past and present kettles. We talked about how Polly would have put her kettle on without electricity. 

14.11.23 Diwali

Today we learnt about the festial of Diwali and how it is celebrated. The children designed mehndi patterns for their hands and rangoli patterns to welcome people using chalk or numicom.

9.11.23 Remembrance Day

6.11.23 RE - Welcome

In Re today, we learnt about how a person is welcomed into God's family when they are baptised.  We read a story about a baptism and then made our own baptismal candles.