Student Volunteers

Student volunteers are needed to keep the library and computer labs in good order. If you are in Jr. High and are interested in any of the opportunities below, please tell Mrs. Scherr. Once committed, it is your responsibility to complete the task once each week. This can be done during recess on Monday or Wednesday. I will give your homeroom teacher a list of names so you can have a pass.


  1. Check floor for garbage.

  2. Wipe tables.

  3. Disinfect keyboards and mice.


  1. Check floor for garbage.

  2. Wipe all table tops.

  3. Disinfect keyboards and mice.

  4. Organize "easy reader" books in the plastic bins.

  5. Organize the magazines. +

  6. Organize the tall hardcover FICTION shelves.

  7. Organize the PAPERBACK shelves and SERIES.

  8. Organize 100 nonfiction

  9. Organize 200 non-fiction

  10. Organize 300, 400 non-fiction

  11. Organize 500 non-fiction

  12. Organize 600 non-fiction

  13. Organize 700, 800 non-fiction

  14. Organize 900 non-fiction.

  15. Organize Picture Books

  16. Dust and organize glass shelving.

  17. Vacuum

  18. Check spinning racks