Exemplary Recognition

SMV received Exemplary Recognition in Information, Technology, and Media Skills in the spring of 2012. We were one of only two archdiocesan schools to receive this award during the recent cycle of exemplary recognitions. After rigorous documentation and a thorough site visit, here is the reaction of the visiting team:

"We are very impressed with the use of technology and the purposeful mission in how it is used as a tool for learning. It is clear that the vision for integrating technology was grounded in the belief that professional development and support for teachers is the cornerstone of effective use of technology for learning. What has resulted from that work is not only effective use of technology for learning, but a clearly articulated purpose for decisions that are made in the allocation of resources at the school and parish level. Regardless of the person being interviewed, it was clear that learning outcomes and curricular expectations precede the purchase and use of technology. The on-going collaboration between the parish, faculty, parents, students and outside experts is not only best practice, but a sign of the commitment of everyone to forming students prepared both academically and ethically in a 21st Century world."