12/15 SMCS Newsletter

Good Afternoon St. Mary Catholic School Families,

During these last few weeks our students and staff have prepared for the coming of Christ through Advent activities, Mass, Reconciliation, concerts, and caring for others who are facing challenges this Christmas. It is these expressions of our faith and caring for others that sets St. Mary’s apart from other schools and is a true testament to how a Catholic education shapes our students. In this last week before Christmas, I encourage us all to reflect on the greatest gift that God has given us, the birth of Jesus. May we each seek out ways to bring the light of Christ to others. 

Please know that I am grateful for your unwavering support and dedication to our little community. Thank you for choosing St. Mary’s.  May the spirit of Christmas fill your hearts and homes with peace and joy as you rejoice in our Savior’s birth. I wish each of you a blessed Christmas and holy Christmas season!

In Christ,

Dr. Amy Summers

Saint of the Week

Saint Maximilian Kolbe is our Saint of the Week. He was born in 1894 in Poland. As a child he had a vision of Our Lady asking him to choose a red crown or a white crown, which symbolized martyrdom or purity and he chose both. When he was 17 he joined the Franciscans and seven years later was ordained a priest. During WWII he was captured by the Germans and sent to the concentration camp at Auschwitz. One day he was able to escape as soldiers were choosing others to die. One man cried out that he had children so Maximilian said he would die in the other man’s place. He said, “I am a Catholic priest.”

Christmas Spirit Week

Please see the attached flier for information about Christmas Spirit Week.

Monday - Wear Christmas Socks with Uniform

Tuesday - Wear Christmas Accessories with Uniform

Wednesday - Wear Christmas Shirt with Uniform Bottoms

Thursday - Christmas Best (those not in Christmas Best must be in uniform)

Friday - House Shirts, Uniform Bottoms, and Christmas Accessories

Coverage Next Week

I will be out next week recovering from surgery. I will check my email periodically. April Nitzell (anitzell@stmarycatholicschool.org) will be covering for me in my absence. 

Registration for 2025-2026 School Year

Registration for the 2025-2026 school year will open this week. Please be watching your email.  Current families completing the registration process by January 13 receive a discounted registration fee of $300 per family. New student registration will open at the same time. After January 13 we will not be able to hold spots for students not registered. If you have questions, please contact Audi Lebedda (alebedda@stmarycatholicschool.org).

Science Fair

Our Science Fair will be held February 25. Packets and registration information will be available after Christmas Break. However, the next few weeks are a great time to begin to think about what your project might be. It will be open to all students in grades PreK through eight but is mandatory for all middle school students.

Middle School Youth Group

Our next Middle School Youth Group will be held on December 17 from 3:15-4:30. Permission slips were sent home last week.

Christmas Parties

On the afternoon of December 20 classes will be having their Christmas parties. Please see information from each teacher.  Due to student allergies, please remember that all food sent in cannot be homemade and must include an ingredient list.

Basketball Games

Come support our Boys’ Basketball Team. Here is their schedule. All games are played at Broadfording Christian Academy. 

Summer Camps

We are excited to announce upcoming summer camps that will be held at SMCS. Registration for the STEM Camp is now open.  Camps will be held M-Th each week.

June 9-12  Camp Invention Session I (Rising Kindergarten - 6th Grade)

June 16-19 Camp Invention Session II (Rising Kindergarten - 6th Grade)

June 23-26  Mini-Camps (specifics to be announced in January)

July 7-10  Vacation Bible School

Earning House Points

House points can be earned in different ways. Each week in the newsletter some of them will be shared.

Accelerated Reader

Students may use this link to login to Accelerated Reader and take quizzes on books they have read. Their logins have been given to their teacher.

The Catholic Faith Explained

Every Thursday, from 7-8PM, Father James will host a class series called “The Catholic Faith Explained.” This week’s topic is The Mass. Come learn and connect the dots of our faith. All are welcome.

Daily Mass

Daily Mass is at 8:25. Students in grades 3-8 will attend Mass every day, grades K-2 will attend on Tuesday and Friday, and PreK will attend on Friday.  We welcome families to join us as well.

Parent Volunteer Opportunities (must have Virtus)

December 17 - Vision and Hearing Screening 

Commitment Hours can be recorded here.  

Parent commitment hours can also be fulfilled by purchasing items that teachers have requested via the following Amazon wishlist.


Lunch Menu

Please use this link for the updated December menu

Confessions This Week

Thursday - 8th Grade

Clubs This Week 

Basketball - Tuesday

Art Club - Tuesday

Guardians of the Altar - Wednesday

Young Women of Grade - Wednesday

Upcoming Dates

December 15 Third Sunday of Advent (Gaudete Sunday)

December 16 Wear Christmas Socks with Uniforms

December 17 Wear Christmas Accessories with Uniforms

December 17 Middle School Youth Group (3:15-4:30)

December 18 Wear Christmas Shirt with Uniform Bottoms

December 19 Wear Your Christmas Best

December 20 Wear House Shirt, Uniform Bottoms, and Christmas Accessories

December 21 - January 1 Christmas Break

January 2 School Resumes

January 6-10 MAP Testing

January 10 House Assembly/House Spirit Day

January 14 T2 Interim Report Cards

January 16 School Safety Drills

January 20 No School - MLK Jr. Day

January 23 TAG Day

January 25 Catholic Schools Week Pancake Breakfast

January 26 - Feb 1 Catholic Schools Week Activities

Virtus Background Check

Any parent/volunteer who is interested in helping with field trips, classroom events, recess duty, etc.must go through the Virtus registration as mandated by the Archdiocese of Baltimore. We are asking as many parents as possible to do this so that we have volunteers who are readily available, if you have not already done so. Please be sure to complete the two parts, the video and the background check. Additionally, three references must be checked.  The registration instructions can be found here. This can be done at virtusonline.org. Please choose the VOLUNTEERS WITH SUBSTANTIAL CONTACT WITH CHILDREN option. 

If you have questions about your status, please contact Stephanie Roccograndi (sroccograndi@stmarycatholicschool.org)