7th Scratch 3 Project

This assignment was about coding in Scratch 3. We used the website Scratch to code whatever we wanted to. I made a song created by a game designer named, Toby Fox. The song is called Megalovania, a song that I love to listen to, but it was very hard to make and find out all the timings for the song. By the time I finished the song I got sick of the song, but it very nice when I finished because of how fast it is.

This is a picture of my song. Just click on the image to be sent to the song!

I loved doing this project because I got to code and I love coding and expressing myself. I like the new Scratch 3 and like the new additions to the website, and the programmers moved to screen to the left which at first is annoying but later on you realize that it can be easier to find things.