What is a Computer

On Tuesday Ginger, Leilah, and I made a board on what is and isn't a computer. We did this in computer class. Before we watched a video about what a compute is, we had to categorize different items and tape them to the poster board. We decided if it was or wasn't a computer based on if it was advanced and modern. Another deciding factor was if you could code it and if it had a screen. The hardest items to categorize were the radio and the vacuum. We decided to put them both in the Non Computer side because we thought there wasn't much technology in it and it didn't seem modern. Then we watched the video and found out we were wrong on some of the items. A computer has to have 4 main parts to it. It has to input, store, process, and output. We were surprised to have to move the human picture to the Computer Side because we were sure that it was NOT a computer but it is a computer. We also moved the headphones, hard drive, and the television remote to the Non Computer side. After we watched the video and rearranged the board, the true computers were obvious. I agreed with the results. enjoyed this assignment because we could do something not necessarily on the computer but we still learned about computers. This assignment helped me identify computers by seeing if it had input, storage, processing, and output. It clarified many things for me that I did not know. Also it was fun to tape and glue the pictures to the poster board and make a piece of art.