1st Grade

Physical activity is important in developing skills for a healthy lifestyle. The students here at St. Martha Catholic School participate in developmental activities related to isometric exercise and develop fundamental movement skills using space, time and energy. The students engage in a variety of games and activities to develop strategic skills and exhibit positive safety practices, all while demonstrating Christian like conduct and encouraging their spiritual development and building their self-confidence and self-esteem.

The Physical Education and Health program at St. Martha Catholic School is aligned with the state requirements.

The Physical Education and Health 1st grade curriculum will cover:

  • Developing basic body control and fundamental movement skills
  • Awareness of strength, endurance and flexibility in different parts of their bodies
  • Discovering ways to increase health-related fitness
  • How the muscles, bones, heart and lungs function in relation to physical activity
  • Participation in moderate to vigorous physical activity
  • Knowing and applying safety practices associated with physical activity and space
  • Basic strategies and rules of structured games and activities
  • Developing positive self-management and social skills
  • Skills to help them make friends, resolve conflicts and solve problems
  • Basic factors that contribute to health literacy