Bring Conservation Home 

Residential Certification

Silver, Gold, or Platinum level certification for residential landscapes is awarded based on the following criteria:




*Canopy Levels

*Invasive Plants

Silver Level: Beefsteak Plant, Bush Honeysuckle (at least 50% of property cleared), English Ivy (cleared from vertical surfaces), Garlic Mustard, Star-of-Bethlehem, Sweet Autumn Clematis, Wintercreeper (cleared from vertical surfaces)

Gold Level: Autumn Olive, Bush Honeysuckle (at least 75% of property cleared), Burning Bush/Winged Euonymus, English Ivy (all), Field Bindweed, Japanese Knotweed, Japanese Stiltgrass, Multiflora Rose, Nandina, Oriental Bittersweet, Tree of Heaven

Platinum Level: Amur Maple, Asian Bamboo, Bush Honeysuckle (all cleared), Bradford/Callery Pear, Japanese Honeysuckle, Johnson Grass, Mimosa, Privets (all species), Siberian Elm or Lacebark Elm, Wintercreeper (100% cleared)

*Wildlife Stewardship

*Stormwater Management

*Education & Volunteerism

If your landscape meets the criteria for one of the levels of certification, you will receive a certificate and a yard sign (pictured below). The same sign can be used for all three levels of certification.