Ms. Woods

Ms. Woods's Current Personal Reading List:

  • Between the World and Me, Ta-Nehisi Coates

  • Thrall, Natasha Tretheway

  • Jane, Maggie Nelson

About Ms. Woods

Ms. Woods is a poet and creative nonfiction essayist from Huntington, WV. She has a degree in Creative Writing and Psychology (with a Criminal Justice minor), as well as a Masters degree in English. Her creative work has been featured in several online and print literary journals. Ms. Woods's classroom focuses on critical thinking, creative activities and assignments, and process pedagogy/writing across the curriculum. Her favorite things ever are: her dog, Reginald, Disney, coffee, and getting students excited to write (duh)!

Ms. Woods Classes

11th Honors:

In this course, students will be challenged by intense and fast-paced material. Throughout the course, students will learn critical thinking through different analyses and writing. Students will be reading How to Read Literature Like a Professor to better understand literary analysis, making their own literary analysis on an "independent reading" book, learning rhetorical analysis and applying it to the world around them and a true crime podcast, and finally, students will craft their own creative personal narratives in a Creative Nonfiction unit.

*Students must have all required texts by first day of school*

11 Honors ENG

Dual Credit:

In this course, students will be continually challenged by complicated course material and a fast-paced college-style workload. Throughout the course, students will routinely respond to articles, texts, and excerpts that promote both critical thinking and writing skills necessary for all courses in a college setting. To this end, students will utilize the textbook, St. Martin's Guide to Writing, plus additional material provided by Ms. Woods. Throughout the year, students will be crafting college application essays, a refresher literature and rhetorical analysis, a micro-ethnography focusing on a discourse community, and finally, the quintessential cornerstone of ENG 201: the position paper.

*Students must have all required texts by first day of school*

ENG 101-201 Site



New this year to St. Joe will be the English Honor Society! Like other honor societies housed inside St. Joe, this club will be exclusively available to those students who meet course and GPA requirements.

Find out more here: National Honor Society

Contact Information

Ms. Woods will be available for any questions, comments, or concerns through her St. Joe email:


11th Honors English Summer Work

11 honors summer reading 2021.doc

12th Honors English Summer Work

12th Honors Summer Reading.docx