Other Information


Please remind your students, particularly those in middle school, it is their responsibility to check in with me & arrange a time for them to come to the art room to make up for missed class time on projects! Also, you can check here as well as google classroom for specifics on what was done in class. I will be doing my best to keep both up to date. 

Class Rules & Expectations

ALWAYS write your name on your paper. I can't assign a grade to a student unless I know who's work is who's!

Be an A.R.T.I.S.T!

A ttitude is a choice! Be POSITIVE.

R aise your hand to ask or tell.

T ry your BEST!

I mmediately follow directions.

S tay QUIET and focused.

T ake responsibility. CLEAN UP!

Art Room Reward System:

School Documents & Links:

SJS Middle School Honor Code