Summer offerings

Check it out.... local summer resources:

Below are a few local resources you may find helpful for your student or family to continue to have emotional support over the summer months

Whether school is off for a half or full-day, holiday or the summer, our drop-off studio classes are the perfect way to keep your kiddos entertained and off screens. We offer a variety of classes and art mediums throughout the year.

These art classes tend to be a combination of Process Art (art that's all about the making and doing rather than the finished product) and project-based art. Either way, we always invite kids to explore and find ways to make their art their own.

A minimum of 8 kids is required to hold each class.

Our summer and holiday break art camps for kids ages 6+ are rooted in fine art principles, fused with contemporary trends, & slathered in your child's individual expression!

We explore different themes and mediums using quality materials. We prefer oil pastels, liquid watercolors, and heavyweight paper! Crayons just aren't our thing. But…we do love to upcycle and keep as much as we can out of the landfill.

Our classes & camps tend to be a combination of Process Art (art that's all about the making and doing rather than the finished product) and project-based art. Either way, we always invite kids to explore and find ways to make their art their own.

Well of Grace is offering:

New offering from Thrive Psychology:

D & D Therapy

A group for teens using D & D to address anxiety & depression. No Dungeons & Dragons experience necessary.

For more info, reach out to: