Pupil Leadership
'We Count' at Newton
Our 'We Count' group focuses on ensuring our children’s voices are listened to, and acted upon, across all areas of school life, and our school community. Our Class Representatives meet with the a member of the Senior Leadership Team as part of Leading & Learning to support self-evaluation, contribute to aspects of school improvement and the wider life of the school, sharing the views of peers within their class.
For session 2024/2025 'We Count' will be focusing on the following aims:
To be updated following first meeting of the group
Leading & Learning Groups
Our 'Leading & Learning' groups fall under the umberella of our 'We Count' group to ensure that all children have the opportunity to be leaders and effective contributors with the school community. Primary 7 lead and support across all Primary 1 to 6 groups. Take a look at the slides below to find out more!
Our Primary 1 to 3 groups:
Planet Protectors
Young Scientists
Ready Steady Cook
World of Work
Wellbeing Warriors
Language Leaders
We Count
Our Primary 4 to 6 groups:
Planet Protectors
Play Rangers
Digital Leaders
Sports Leaders
Our Dunblane
Diversity Detectives
First Aid Friends
We Count
Young Leaders of Learning
The YLL programme was developed by Education Scotland to give children and young people an increasing say in their education and their schools. The programme supports the empowered system and also the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (articles 12 and 13).
Purpose of the programme
The purpose of the programme is to help children and young people to be more actively involved in helping to improve their schools by:
Taking part in reciprocal visits to other schools to identify what is working well, areas for improvement and effective practice.
Promoting ways that children and young people can be involved in school improvement activities in their own school.
Newton P.S Young Leaders of Learner aims 2024/2025:
To be updated following first meeting of the group
Young Leaders of Learning Programme - Information for Parents and Carers