Educational Sessions I

10:10 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

Reflecting on Our Positionality to Improve Student Success

Christine Harrington, Ed.D. (Keynote Speaker)

Target Audience: Universal (applicable to multiple audiences)

Room: 1965

Zoom Link:

Meeting ID: 975 6725 7280

Password: 896079


Evaluation Form

We are not often given the time and structure needed to engage in self-reflection. During this interactive session, participants will be guided through a series of self-reflective activities focused on their positionality. Participants will discover how reflecting on their positionality can lead to changes in how they connect and engage with students who may have very different lived experiences. One area of focus will be how we can use our various identities and position to help students develop and strengthen their networks.

Reimagining Professional & Student Leadership Norms and Expectations in Higher Education

Nicole DeLiberis, M.Ed., Director of Campus Life Residential Communities, Millikin University

Mackenzie Dixon, Coordinator for Campus Life, Millikin University

Target Audience: Universal (applicable to multiple audiences)

Room: Phoenix A

Evaluation Form

In this program, attendees will gain understanding of traditional higher education/student affairs "ideal worker norms" supported by research compiled in the book "Creating Sustainable Careers in Student Affairs: What Ideal Worker Norms Get Wrong and How to Make It Right", edited by Dr. Margaret W. Sallee. Addressing systemic influences on such norms and using that information, attendees will collaborate to identify ways they conform to, resist, and confront ideal worker norms and leave the session with action steps to bring back to their institutions for work with colleagues and student leaders.

Establishing a First Year Seminar at a Technical 2-Year College

Mary Xiong, MBA, Gateway Technical College

Dr. Jorge Nieto, Gateway Technical College

Oliver Debe, M.Ed., Gateway Technical College

Target Audience: 2-year College/University

Room: Phoenix C

Evaluation Form

In 2017, Gateway Technical College’s declining student retention rate was met with concern and passion by administrators to understand its underlying issues. With the guidance of Consultants who assessed our institution, we were guided by their data to identify opportunities that would improve our student retention. As a result of these discussions, we determined that a first year seminar course would assist us in improving retention and student success. In this session, we will provide our “data-informed” why; as well as, share challenges and successes of the planning process especially for a technical college, provide wisdom, and our next steps for a thriving first year seminar.