Milestone 4


With our design, we did not have to optimize it. Once we got any pedal to correctly play sound, we moved onto the next pedal. This allowed us to build basic pedals with ways to improve on them in the near future. 


As shown in milestone 3 videos page, the device is able to take in a guitar sound input and effect it to the desired level. We are able to have these pedals work with a led screen to have the classic pedal look that most musicians like. 


Lizzy is the electrical engineer, she oversees the analog circuit effect modules. She is the manager of the group making sure things are started and turned in, the website is updated, and keeping everyone on time with deadlines. 

Claudia is a computer engineer, she developed the graphical user interface and digital logic. She also is the idea person in the group. Claudia came up with the main idea and always brings up new ways to improve the design. 

Jack is the musician of the group and is a computer engineer. He looks over the designs and helps us see things from a musician’s perspective. Jack is able to say if our product will be viable on the market or if our target audience would not like the product. 

Enis is a computer engineer, he works on putting together the schematics and testing everything out with an oscilloscope. He also is the quick-fix person in the group. If a problem pops up, Enis acts fast to fix whatever is needed.