Milestone 1


  • Musicians/Music producers

  • Music equipment distributors

  • Music listeners and fans, concert-goers


  • A more optimized system that uses fewer wires

  • A quicker way to set up pedals and synths

  • Being able to modify their pedals without having to buy a new one

  • The ability to be able to see and understand all parts of their pedal


  • Shall have parts that are interchangeable

  • Shall have A way to modify the filters and wavelength strengths

  • Shall have easily distinguishable parts so users are able to see the differences and understand them

Needs- Requirements Mapping

Needs-Requirements Mapping

We surveyed student musicians on campus to investigate how they use their current pedal board, and how they feel about it. This included why they use certain gear and why, what they do and don't like about their gear, and their general conceptions of multi-effect units.