Milestone 2


Phase III - Design

  1. Design comprehensive sub-circuits for (1) time-based, (2) drive, (3) modulation, and (4) dynamics/pitch effects

  2. Design logic system to chain sub-circuits together

    • physical components

    • micro-controller code

  3. Design GUI to pass calibration values from user to board

  4. Integrate Bluetooth connectivity for remote GUI access



Our product is a multi-effects unit, which allows the user to manipulate an analog signal path. The user will be able to pick from a selection of effect options, and stack them together in different orders. This will be done by harnessing a digital logic system, which will utilize an array of relays.

The user will connect via IOT to the effects board to configure their desired play settings. These are set through (1) the logic routing system- to shape the signal path- and (2) digital potentiometers- to set key variables in each effect- where a knob would stand on traditional stomp boxes.

An essential part of our product design is the design of the GUI. Our biggest concern is the usability and pick-up by musicians. The GUI must be approachable and display information in a way that is native to our audience, but still bring forth enough modularity and exploration to stay true to our mission statement and have an unique "edge".


[With each design of the project, we are finding the list of parts that we would need changes a bit. A lot of the designs we started with were very similar and we found this with many of the different guitar pedals on the market. With each new revelation we need a new list of parts. At this time the list is still being created and will probably be scrapped again with the more research we do.]

Test Plan

Testing our Sub-Circuits:

We are building these schematics and testing them with an oscilloscope to make sure we are getting the effects on the input wave. After this we would then plug it into an amp and add an input from a guitar to see if the sound is changed.

Testing the GUI:

We will get user input from musicians on campus from our GUI design come our first release in late February to ensure it is usable for our target audience

Testing the Composite Effects & Physical Build:

We will compare sample audio input to the output of our board and builds with similar goals and components to ensure our sound is comparable with that of the rest of the industry.
Then, we will build off our GUI testing, and bring in students to beta test the physical encasement and IOT connectivity.

Before the innovation expo, the ultimate test would be having a musician use and perform with our product in a public setting, like an open mic.