Milestone #3

Implementation, Test, Teamwork


The system is currently set up to get GPS Data, acceleration data, and a force sensor (not pictured here). The system is also equipped with a NodeMCU which is a microcontroller tasked with reading data from each of the sensors as well as posting the data to our Firestore database. The database then notifies all listeners (iOS or Android app) that their is new data available. The app goes and retrieves the data from the database and displays it in real time. This data consists of the raw values from the sensors (described above). Our next objective is to convert the data to meaningful information for our end users.


We are able to successfully get data from the system pictured above. The system above posts data at a rate of 10Hz to the Firestore database we set up. The apps that are listening to the database are updated in near real time (less than 10ms), which is within the desired range. Our GPS data has a resolution of +- 1 meter which may be a problem when we test it in real game play. We have researched alternatives which have a higher resolution (UWB localization systems) and may need to replace the GPS system. The acceleration module is producing as expected values and very limited noise (+- 1/32 g). We are reading from the force sensor in resistance which still needs to be converted to a force.


Our teamwork is a big focal point in our road to success with this project, the way we designed our groups within our overall team consist of a Software Team and a Hardware Team. The Hardware Team is tasked with garnering, understanding, and testing of hard components, while accumulating the data necessary for the software to make use of. The Software Team is tasked with making effective algorithms, coding/testing and app development.

We meet as a team twice a week to check progress and and biweekly with our advisor for further guidance.