
Working Progress

What is Contaxt?

Contaxt is a system that provides real-time data and assessment of physical contact of athletes in a sporting game through the use of sensor technology integrated with the equipment and uniforms of athletes paired with an algorithm. This system will not only act as a method to measure the level of contact within a game, but also as a metric of performance among individual athletes.


  • Soccer Associations
  • Soccer Refereeing
  • Soccer Coaches
  • Equipment companies, ie. helmets, pads, clothing, balls
    • Nike
    • Under Armour
    • Etc.
  • Fans
  • Sports Betting

Potential Users

  • Soccer teams*
    • General Managers
  • Youth athletic academies*
  • Collegiate teams/athletes*
  • Soccer League
    • Referees

*Each would have coaches, athletes, and scouts using the product

work breakdown structure

Project Schedule

Value Proposition Canvas

Contaxt's Pyramid Values



Contaxt connects the fans to the game by becoming more involved with the officiating process. They will be able to see the data for themselves to understand the official’s calls better. Officials will also see more connection to the game as to how contact and certain plays that are more serious than others.


Contaxt provides game insights to a referee that informs them of the degree of contact occurs in a game. This gives referees a better sense and measure of play in soccer and allows them to better call the game, and ultimately foster a more consistent and safe environment.


Contaxt provides data services and statistics that are high quality. It enables referees to input and receive mathematically accurate force thresholds to foster a fair and precise game environment and allows referees and fans to access high quality player data measured straight from the field.



Contaxt provides live data regarding player to player contact. By doing so, it allows coaches, players, referees and fans to know the amount of high impact a player has been subject to throughout a game, season, or career. Knowing and being able to reference this data will help us gauge the overall health and wellness of a player due to contact.

Fun / entertainment

Contaxt provides entertainment for the fans as they are able to look at players and see whether they actually made contact or not. The data will make the game more exciting as fans get more involved and waiting for a referee’s decision can be more intense. This may make players flop or fake contact less frequently which can also result in more intensity and excitement of the game for players and fans.

Life Changing


Contaxt transforms the way players train and grow. The data Contaxt collects will be used to create a customized player report card. This report card will display the select player’s data. The data will show where the player excels and where they could improve. The report card will aide in showing growth over time and keep players motivated to keep working