Milestone 3: Product implementation

Milestone 3.1: Implementation

The BUBBL app was designed to be a task management app that takes the hassle of managing tasks out of the users' hands. The current version of the app takes in a name, a date and time, a location, and a user-chosen priority and creates a task item which it then displays in a list. The planned design implements a priority algorithm that uses location, time until completion, and the user-chosen priority to list the tasks in order of highest priority to lowest priority.

Currently the team has implemented the basic to-do list functions of the application. Users can add items by hitting the 'plus' symbol at the bottom of the screen(see figure 1), and then providing inputs in the submenu to create your task(see figure 2). It then displays the tasks it currently has on the main screen(see figures 3 and 4). BUBBL's team plans to implement more features, such as storing the data of all the tasks in a file so that the app can access previously inputted tasks. The team also plans to implement a feature so that a user can see all the details of a task upon clicking it. Lastly, the team plans to implement the priority algorithm in order to sort the tasks so that the highest priority items are at the top(see figure 5).

The prioritization algorithm BUBBL plans to implement, will take the user-input priority as a number value. The algorithm will then assign LocationPrio a number depending on the distance between the user and the task's location. Finally, the TimePrio will be assigned a number depending on the distance between the due date and the current date. The team also plans on assigning numbers larger than the largest possible prioritization number for assignments whose due dates have passed, to ensure that overdue assignments are at the top of the task list.

Figure 1. The Task List screen without any tasks.

Figure 2. Task creation screen.

Figure 3. Task list screen with a single task.

Figure 4. Task list with multiple tasks

Figure 5. The basic components of the prioritization algorithm.

Milestone 3.2: Test

Testing for the main functionality of the to-do list app has been going well, but it currently is not optimized for its main purpose as it is not yet able to sort the tasks. The team plans on implementing a prioritization algorithm with some basic initial values, then testing how those values affect the sorting of the algorithm, and alter it, if needed.

Milestone 3.3: Teamwork

The team has been meeting every week to discuss development of the application, as well as to discuss ideas on how we could improve upon it.  The team is broken up into two groups:

Despite having these two main groups, the group members also help the other teams with their portions of the project occasionally.