Milestone 1: The Customers

1.1: Customers

Bubbl aims to help anybody trying to improve their daily lives. People that Bubbl can help support are:

Bubbl's target audience is mainly Students and Workers but can account for a lot of different types of people. 

1.2: Needs

Our customers are looking for ways to focus on tasks better and get them done more efficiently, without getting distracted or sidetracked. Their needs include:

Bubbl's customers are looking to improve their ability to do tasks, and their needs reflect that. Our customer's main needs would be reminders, to help them stay on top of when tasks are due. Two other needs would be ease and efficiency so that they can focus on their tasks and not waste any time or effort. Lastly, a rewarding system for task completion would help the customer by giving them another reason to get their task done.

1.3: Requirements

1.4: Needs-Requirements




A rewarding system for task completion

In order to further understand our products needs and requirements, we grouped the various requirements to each of our products needs. While we understand that some of our requirements can fall under multiple needs, we decided to choose the need in which we believed best fit the requirement. Through this grouping, we can easily see which needs may need more attention such as our need towards a rewarding system only containing one of our requirements.