Milestone 2: Concept/Planning

Milestone 2.1: Project Plan

January 18 - April 28

Week 1 (1/18-1/25): Finalize visions/ideas/goals for app.

Week 2(1/25-2/1): Design a mock interface for what we want the app to resemble.

Week 3(2/1-2/8): Research into methods and software for creating app.

Week 4 - 5(2/8-2/22): Begin creation of app/learn limitations of software being used for app.

Week 6(2/22-3/1): Have a minimum working code of app.

Week 7(3/1-3/8): Design user interface and find necessary elements.

Week 8 - 9(3/8-2/22): Create Haptic Feedback features.

Week 10(2/22-2/29): Release beta version of application and conduct interviews to find improvements and bugs

Week 11(2/29-4/5): Release app on Google Play/App Store.

Week 12-13(4/5-4/19): Finalize the project, and presentation and work out any bugs found in the software. 

Week 14(4/19-4/28): Present the project at the Stevens Innovation Expo.

Milestone 2.2: Concepts

With technology quickly evolving and especially becoming more addictive, people are losing motivation to accomplish their goals. Instead, individuals are opting to spend their time on manufactured entertainment apps such as TikTok, YouTube, and Instagram, a condition defined as social media addiction. This can lead to many symptoms including but not limited to disrupted sleep, depression, and decreased work performance. By providing an application that will encourage self-improvement, we hope to guide users to a positive and fulfilling life.

Our product is a smartphone application for IOS or Android. Through the use of instant gratification techniques as well as a minimal user interface, it will encourage productivity and motivation. This will be done by using smartphone haptics for a physical, tactile response for task completion as well as a bright UI to promote a feeling of positivity. For the application backend, we will use list and sorting algorithms to ensure that prioritization is applied to inputted tasks. The resulting application will make task organization simple and convenient for all users 

Milestone 2.3: Concept Selection

At the moment, these are preliminary ideas that may change depending on how the chosen software works and what is deemed to suit best. Additional feedback from non-bias testers will also help finalize ideas or give inspiration to new ideas.

Milestone 2.4: Design

Above is a mock design of our first rendition of the app. Functions of the app still need to be clarified as well as UI design elements. This visual is simply to present the rough starting idea in a visual medium.

Milestone 2.5: Analysis

Hardware Requirements

Software Requirements

Milestone 2.6: Test Plan

The team's test plan will be to create a simple, beta version of the app and then release it to users by late March to test and give feedback on the app. The team will then take this feedback and implement improved or new features as well as bug fixes. The team will repeat this process and continue to improve the application.