RMNP 2014

The trip report on this page represents the 1st time I have been to the summit of Longs Peak.

I can see Longs Peak from my living room window, and one of my favorite ways to spend a day is an adventure to the summit. I have put together a "Longs Peak Page" summarizing the routes I have done on Longs Peak. Check it out by clicking the link above.

The trip report on this page represents the 1st time I have climbed the Diamond. 

I cannot seem to get enough of this amazing alpine wall of granite, and I keep wanting to come back. I have put together a "Diamond Beta Page" summarizing the main methods of approach and descent as well as summarizing/comparing the time stats of the various approaches and descents I have taken. Check it out by clicking the link above.

Other routes I've climbed on The Spearhead: 
Age Axe (5.10b, 6p)        All Two Obvious (5.11d, 8p)        Barb, The (5.10, 9p)        East Prow (5.9+/10b, 6p)        Kingfisher, The (5.11, 7p)        North Ridge (5.6-5.8, 6-8p)        Scimitar + Stone Monkey (5.12a, 5p)        Spear Me the Details (5.11d, 9p)        Sykes' Sickle 2014 (5.9+, 7p)        Sykes' Sickle 2020 & 20204 (5.9+, 7p)  
Category: Colorado (RMNP)Summit Elev: 14,255 ft (Longs); 13,700 ft (Table Ledge at top of Ariana); 12,575 ft (Spearhead) Rock Type: Granite
Date: August 5-8, 2014 (Tue-Fri)Trip Report #: 173Partners: solo (Climb 1) / Nate Beckwith (Climb 2) / Eric Schweitzer (Climb 3)


Climbing three popular RMNP objectives: Longs Peak, The Diamond, and The Spearhead. 

This was my first trip to RMNP. I moved to Boulder in June 2019, and RMNP became my alpine playground!

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