How often do I need to log on?

Students should plan to log on and complete school work Monday-Friday each week! 3 Assignments per course per week is the progress expectation. 

Can I do my work at night/weekends?

Yes! Student have access to their school work 24/7, including holidays!

What happens if I miss a live lesson?

Students should message their teacher if they will be absent. Teachers will help students set a follow up meeting, or guide them to a tutorial over the missed lesson. 

What happens if I have to miss school due to a family emergency or illness?

Emergencies happen, and our staff is here to support you and your family in times of hardship. The best thing to do is to contact a teacher, counselor, or SSA to let them know you will not be in class. Your teachers will assist in guiding you on a catch up plan when you return!

Do I have to be on camera for my live lessons?

We encourage students to be on camera if possible, but if a student is unable to due to personal reasons or technology difficulties, it is ok to have your camera off. 

How do I contact my teachers?

Teachers & staff will send out welcome emails at the beginning of school with their emails and phone numbers listed. In addition, students can contact their teachers through their student dashboard. 

Can I change my classes?

If a student is in a wrong class, a class they have already taken and passed, or is in an elective they would like to change, students need to notify their counselor immediately. Counselors will work with students to find an alternative course to take instead, or explain further why the student needs to take that course!