Fab Lab

The Fab Lab at SETC is the first fab lab initiated by the educational outreach component of MIT’s Center for Bits and Atoms (CBA) in December 2003. The CBA does research into digital fabrication and computation. A Fab Lab is a technical prototyping platform for innovation and invention, providing stimulus for local entrepreneurship; a platform for learning and innovation: a place to play, to create, to learn, to mentor, to invent. Currently fab labs exist in 80 countries and 30 time zones and provides a means of connecting to a global community of learners, educators, technologists, researchers, makers and innovators- -a knowledge sharing network sharing common tools and processes that is building a global network, a distributed laboratory for research and invention.

A Fab Lab is comprised of off-the-shelf, industrial-grade fabrication and electronics tools, wrapped in open source software and programs written by researchers at MIT’s Center for Bits & Atoms. Currently Fab Labs include a laser cutter that makes 2D and 3D structures, a sign cutter that plots in copper to make antennas and flex circuits, a high-resolution CNC milling machine that makes circuit boards and precision parts, a large wood router for building furniture and housing, and a suite of electronic components and programming tools for low-cost, high-speed microcontrollers for on-site rapid circuit prototyping. Originally designed for communities as prototyping platforms for local entrepreneurship, Fab Labs are increasingly being adopted by schools as platforms for project-based, hands-on STEM education. Users learn by designing and creating objects of personal interest or import. Empowered by the experience of making something themselves, they both learn and mentor each other, gaining deep knowledge about the machines, the materials, the design process, and the engineering that goes into invention and innovation. In educational settings, rather than relying on a fixed curriculum, learning happens in an authentic, engaging, personal context, one in which students go through a cycle of imagination, design, prototyping, reflection, and iteration as they find solutions to challenges or bring their ideas to life.

Nemo & Dory Danger! AnglerFish!

Latest ATTiny85 experiments with two LEDs and servo motor, using 4.5V (3AA) battery and vinylcut copper circuit traces. Anglerfish light and skull are 3D printed diffusers. Danger sign is lasercut.


Demonstration of Learn 2 Teach, Teach 2 Learn Project Group Rapid Prototype in 2016. Youth teachers propose to build a piano-like installation next to a water fountain. When you step on the piano keys, the note plays and the water changes to the same color as the key.

Neil Gershenfeld-MIT

M.I.T. professor Neil Gershenfeld is sharing his vision about the future of FabLabs and how Trotec laser machines can contribute to this development.