image editing with Pixlr

Pixlr( is a free, browser-based photo editing program that can be used to edit, resize, and manipulate images similar to PhotoShop.

Basic Terms in Images Sizes:

Byte A number expressed in binary form, such as 10111110

15K Fifteen Thousand Bytes= size of a 3 page text file

120K 100 Thousand Bytes = size of a medium quality still image

3MB Three million bytes= size of a high quality image

2GB Two billion bytes= size of a 5 minute video files

While most text files can be easily emailed as an attached file, this is often not true for image or video files.

Many email systems limit the size of attached files to 10 MB.

What to do?

(1) Store images in the cloud(i.e., Google Drive or Microsoft One Drive)

"The cloud" is the term for internet-accessible hard drives, which live on 'server farms' that can store huge amounts of data.

Large size image and video files can be uploaded to one's Google Drive(, Microsoft One Drive, or Amazon Web Services account. You then can provide a sharing link to the recipient, who can then download the file using the link.

Note: Organizational Google Drive accounts, such as school accounts, typically restrict sharing to people within the organization. So a file on a school-based Google Drive cannot be shared outside of the school.

(2) Video files

Video files of even a few minutes can be several gigabytes in size. Videos can be shared via Google Drive. More often, they are uploaded to a streaming service, such as Youtube, Vimeo, or a service provided by an app such as Loom or EdPuzzle.

All of these services provide a video link, such as

(3) Resizing still images

Still images, such as .jpeg or .png files, are often emailed or inserted into slideshows or documents. However, if 4 or 5 full size still images are inserted into a document, this may make it too large to email.

A frequent solution if to resize the image file size. Images that start out as 3 MB can be resized to a tenth the size with minimal loss of detail.

While professional image editors such as Photoshop can do this, there are free solutions, such as Pixlr (