
CHoice Board

1. Index Cards

Write each word from your new list on an index card

*You must do this activity each week*

2. Spin and Spell

Follow the directions on the Spin & Spell sheet. Leave it in the page protector so it can be used more than once!

3. Sign Language

Using your Sign Language alphabet, spell each of your words for the week!

4. Sight Word Hopscotch

On a sidewalk or driveway, make a Hopscotch Board using the chalk. Instead of numbers, inside each box write a different sight word. Close your eyes and toss a small rock onto the board. Open your eyes and hop to your rock, while reading each word out loud.

5. Tic Tac Toe

On the Tic Tac Toe board, with a dry erase marker. each player will choose a sight word to write instead of X and O. Take turns writing your word in a square. The player who gets 3 in a row is the winner! Change words each game! Play at least 3 rounds!

6. Match Up

Using an EXPO marker, Write each word on TWO laminated green cards. Turn all of the cards over, face down and mix them up. Arrange them in rows. Flip over 2 cards at a time and read them to see if they match up. Keep them if they match, if not flip them over and try again!

7. Move and Spell

Add some physical activity to your spelling practice! You can do jumping jacks, hopping on one foot, knee lifts, sit ups, or any other exercise while you spell your words out loud.

8. Window Write

Pick 10 of your words to write on a window or mirror using your dry erase marker!

*Ask your adult first*

9. Type Your Words

Use the paper keyboard to practice “typing” your word list for this week. After you type each word, use your dry erase marker to write it.