January/February CHoice Board

1. Rainbow Write

Choose 10 words. Write your word in pencil, then trace over your word 3 times. Use a different color each time.

2. Window Write

Pick 10 of your words to write on a window or mirror using your dry erase marker! *Ask your adult first*





3. Pyramid Writing

“Pyramid Write” 10 of your words.

4. Surround Words

Write your words on a piece of paper. Box in your words. If you have a low letter like y, your box will go from the plane line down to the worm line. If you have a tall letter, it will go to the sky line. Little letters will have a box to just the plane line.

5. Match Up

Using an EXPO marker, Write each word on TWO laminated green cards. Turn all of the cards over, face down and mix them up. Arrange them in rows. Flip over 2 cards at a time and read them to see if they match up. Keep them if they match, if not flip them over and try again!

6. Spelling Baseball

Draw 4 bases on paper or use pillows to be the bases. The pitcher selects a word. If the batter spelling correctly, they move forward one base. A point is earned each time you pass home.

7. Bubble Letters

Choose 10 words to write in Bubble Letters, then color them in!

8. Sky Writing

Choose 10 words. Put your arm straight out in front of you, and spell your word in the air.

9. Practice Test

Have someone read your list of words to you. Write them down and check your answers when you’re finished!