Invisible Man

By Ralph Ellison

"First published in 1952 and immediately hailed as a masterpiece, Invisible Man is one of those rare novels that have changed the shape of American literature. For not only does Ralph Ellison's nightmare journey across the racial divide tell unparalleled truths about the nature of bigotry and its effects on the minds of both victims and perpetrators, it gives us an entirely new model of what a novel can be. As he journeys from the Deep South to the streets and basements of Harlem, from a horrifying "battle royal" where black men are reduced to fighting animals, to a Communist rally where they are elevated to the status of trophies, Ralph Ellison's nameless protagonist ushers readers into a parallel universe that throws our own into harsh and even hilarious relief. Suspenseful and sardonic, narrated in a voice that takes in the symphonic range of the American language, black and white, Invisible Man is one of the most audacious and dazzling novels of our century." - Goodreads

Why was this book challenged?

Invisible Man banned book element tile.

Banned book element tile

Reasons: Sexual Content, Profanity, Violence

  • According to the ACLU of Massachusetts, Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison has been challenged frequently over the years for alleged "violence," "sexual content," and "offensive language."

  • Black-authored books have historically been targets for censorship, and modern-day censorship efforts are targeting them as well. For more information, please see out Frequently Asked Questions webpage.

Ways to read this book at STCC!

Members of the STCC community have full borrowing privileges at the STCC Library, located in Building 19, 2nd Floor, provided they are actively registered in the college system and their records are in good standing.

Database access and e-content is available to all students, faculty, and staff using the following credentials:

Username: STCC ID number

Password: Last name in capital letters.

Additional Resources and Accessibility

If you prefer to listen to your books, or if the print or eBook versions of this book are checked out at STCC, you have additional checkout options through Massachusetts public libraries. CW/MARS and Boston Public Library eCards will give you access to eBook and Audiobook versions of this book. You can also download the Libby app to listen to audiobooks on your smartphone. These resources are outside of STCC Library, please consult your local public library for any questions regarding these outside resources.

Check public libraries in Western Massachusetts via CW/MARS:

Residents of Massachusetts can sign up for a Boston Public Library eCard, to access their digital materials such as eBooks and downloadable audiobooks. Follow the instructions on the BPL's website: