Professional Development

Interview Experts

Blackboard Tool(s): Discussion Board (Asynchronous)

Other Tools: Zoom (Synchronous)

Either synchronous or asynchronous interviews are set up with experts from fields related to your course content. Students can either come to the interview presentation prepared with questions to ask, or they can submit their questions to the interviewee prior to the interview. Either way, students are able to listen to an expert discuss their work or other topics related to their course.

Start a Social Media Group for the Class / Discipline Topics

Tools: LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter

This one is a little tricky and relies on a higher level of comfort, trust and safety for participants depending on the "friending" level of the classmates. For disciplines where individuals will need to develop outside connections, providing a professional space to be part of for class can initially create acdemic connections while in school.

Student "Report Outs" on Professional Development Websites & Organizations

Blackboard Tool(s): Wiki, Discussion Board, Blog

Tools: Google Docs, YouTube, ScreenCast-o-Matic, Google Sites

Students are given a rubric of criteria and guidelines for searching for professional affliations, organizations and websites to aid professional pursuits. Students report out in whatever format to be determined by faculty. Basic submissions would be posted on discussions boards or on a shared Google doc. More advanced options would be submitted on a GoogleSite, within Blackboard on a class wiki